Limited Memory BFGS

Table of contents

Algorithm Description

The limited memory variant of the Broyden–Fletcher–Goldfarb–Shanno (L-BFGS) algorithm is a quasi-Newton optimization method that can be used solve to optimization problems of the form

\[\min_{x \in X} f(x)\]

where \(f\) is convex and twice differentiable. The BFGS algorithm requires that the gradient of \(f\) be known and forms an approximation to the Hessian.

The updating rule for L-BFGS is described below. Let \(x^{(i)}\) denote the candidate solution vector at stage \(i\) of the algorithm.

  1. Compute the descent direction using a two loop recursion. Let

    \[\begin{aligned} s^{(i)} &:= x^{(i+1)} - x^{(i)} \\ y^{(i)} &:= \nabla_x f(x^{(i+1)}) - \nabla_x f(x^{(i)}) \end{aligned}\]


    1. Set

      \[q = \nabla_x f(x^{(i)})\]
    2. For \(k = i - 1, \ldots, i - M\) do:

      \[\begin{aligned} \rho_k &:= \frac{1}{ [y^{(k)}]^\top s^{(k)} } \\ \gamma_k &:= \rho_k \times [s^{(k)}]^\top q \\ q &= q - \gamma_k \times y^{(k)} \end{aligned} \]

      where \(M\), the history length, is set via par_M.

    3. Set

      \[r = q \times \frac{[s^{(i)}]^\top y^{(i)}}{[y^{(i)}]^\top y^{(i)}}\]
    4. For \(k = i - M, \ldots, i - 1\) do:

      \[\begin{aligned} \beta &:= \rho_k \times [y^{(k)}]^\top r \\ r &= r + s^{(k)} (\gamma_k - \beta) \end{aligned}\]
    5. Set

      \[d^{(i)} = - r\]
  2. Compute the optimal step size using line search:

    \[\alpha^{(i)} = \arg \min_{\alpha} f(x^{(i)} + \alpha \times d^{(i)})\]
  3. Update the candidate solution vector using:

    \[x^{(i+1)} = x^{(i)} + \alpha^{(i)} \times d^{(i)}\]

The algorithm stops when at least one of the following conditions are met:

  1. the norm of the gradient vector, \(\| \nabla f \|\), is less than grad_err_tol;

  2. the relative change between \(x^{(i+1)}\) and \(x^{(i)}\) is less than rel_sol_change_tol;

  3. the total number of iterations exceeds iter_max.

Function Declarations

bool lbfgs(ColVec_t &init_out_vals, std::function<fp_t(const ColVec_t &vals_inp, ColVec_t *grad_out, void *opt_data)> opt_objfn, void *opt_data)

The Limited Memory Variant of the BFGS Optimization Algorithm.

  • init_out_vals – a column vector of initial values, which will be replaced by the solution upon successful completion of the optimization algorithm.

  • opt_objfn – the function to be minimized, taking three arguments:

    • vals_inp a vector of inputs;

    • grad_out a vector to store the gradient; and

    • opt_data additional data passed to the user-provided function.

  • opt_data – additional data passed to the user-provided function.


a boolean value indicating successful completion of the optimization algorithm.

bool lbfgs(ColVec_t &init_out_vals, std::function<fp_t(const ColVec_t &vals_inp, ColVec_t *grad_out, void *opt_data)> opt_objfn, void *opt_data, algo_settings_t &settings)

The Limited Memory Variant of the BFGS Optimization Algorithm.

  • init_out_vals – a column vector of initial values, which will be replaced by the solution upon successful completion of the optimization algorithm.

  • opt_objfn – the function to be minimized, taking three arguments:

    • vals_inp a vector of inputs;

    • grad_out a vector to store the gradient; and

    • opt_data additional data passed to the user-provided function.

  • opt_data – additional data passed to the user-provided function.

  • settings – parameters controlling the optimization routine.


a boolean value indicating successful completion of the optimization algorithm.

Optimization Control Parameters

The basic control parameters are:

  • fp_t grad_err_tol: the error tolerance value controlling how small the \(L_2\) norm of the gradient vector \(\| \nabla f \|\) should be before ‘convergence’ is declared.

  • fp_t rel_sol_change_tol: the error tolerance value controlling how small the proportional change in the solution vector should be before ‘convergence’ is declared.

    The relative change is computed using:

    \[\left\| \dfrac{x^{(i)} - x^{(i-1)}}{ |x^{(i-1)}| + \epsilon } \right\|_1\]

    where \(\epsilon\) is a small number added for numerical stability.

  • size_t iter_max: the maximum number of iterations/updates before the algorithm exits.

  • bool vals_bound: whether the search space of the algorithm is bounded. If true, then

    • ColVec_t lower_bounds: defines the lower bounds of the search space.

    • ColVec_t upper_bounds: defines the upper bounds of the search space.

Additional settings:

  • size_t lbfgs_settings.par_M: The number of past gradient vectors to use when forming the approximate Hessian matrix.

    • Default value: 10.

  • fp_t lbfgs_settings.wolfe_cons_1: Line search tuning parameter that controls the tolerance on the Armijo sufficient decrease condition.

    • Default value: 1E-03.

  • fp_t lbfgs_settings.wolfe_cons_2: Line search tuning parameter that controls the tolerance on the curvature condition.

    • Default value: 0.90.

  • int print_level: Set the level of detail for printing updates on optimization progress.

    • Level 0: Nothing (default).

    • Level 1: Print the current iteration count and error values.

    • Level 2: Level 1 plus the current candidate solution values, \(x^{(i+1)}\).

    • Level 3: Level 2 plus the direction vector, \(d^{(i)}\), and the gradient vector, \(\nabla_x f(x^{(i+1)})\).

    • Level 4: Level 3 plus print components used to update the approximate inverse Hessian matrix: \(s\) and \(y\).


Sphere Function

Code to run this example is given below.

Armadillo (Click to show/hide)

#include "optim.hpp"

sphere_fn(const arma::vec& vals_inp, arma::vec* grad_out, void* opt_data)
    double obj_val = arma::dot(vals_inp,vals_inp);

    if (grad_out) {
        *grad_out = 2.0*vals_inp;

    return obj_val;

int main()
    const int test_dim = 5;

    arma::vec x = arma::ones(test_dim,1); // initial values (1,1,...,1)

    bool success = optim::lbfgs(x, sphere_fn, nullptr);

    if (success) {
        std::cout << "bfgs: sphere test completed successfully." << "\n";
    } else {
        std::cout << "bfgs: sphere test completed unsuccessfully." << "\n";

    arma::cout << "bfgs: solution to sphere test:\n" << x << arma::endl;

    return 0;

Eigen (Click to show/hide)

#include "optim.hpp"

sphere_fn(const Eigen::VectorXd& vals_inp, Eigen::VectorXd* grad_out, void* opt_data)
    double obj_val =;

    if (grad_out) {
        *grad_out = 2.0*vals_inp;

    return obj_val;

int main()
    const int test_dim = 5;

    Eigen::VectorXd x = Eigen::VectorXd::Ones(test_dim); // initial values (1,1,...,1)

    bool success = optim::lbfgs(x, sphere_fn, nullptr);

    if (success) {
        std::cout << "bfgs: sphere test completed successfully." << "\n";
    } else {
        std::cout << "bfgs: sphere test completed unsuccessfully." << "\n";

    std::cout << "bfgs: solution to sphere test:\n" << x << std::endl;

    return 0;

Booth’s Function

Code to run this example is given below.

Armadillo Code (Click to show/hide)

#include "optim.hpp"

booth_fn(const arma::vec& vals_inp, arma::vec* grad_out, void* opt_data)
    double x_1 = vals_inp(0);
    double x_2 = vals_inp(1);

    double obj_val = std::pow(x_1 + 2*x_2 - 7.0,2) + std::pow(2*x_1 + x_2 - 5.0,2);

    if (grad_out) {
        (*grad_out)(0) = 10*x_1 + 8*x_2   2*(- 7.0) + 4*(x_2 - 5.0);
        (*grad_out)(1) = 2*(x_1 + 2*x_2 - 7.0)*2 + 2*(2*x_1 + x_2 - 5.0);

    return obj_val;

int main()
    arma::vec x_2 = arma::zeros(2,1); // initial values (0,0)

    bool success_2 = optim::lbfgs(x, booth_fn, nullptr);

    if (success_2) {
        std::cout << "bfgs: Booth test completed successfully." << "\n";
    } else {
        std::cout << "bfgs: Booth test completed unsuccessfully." << "\n";

    arma::cout << "bfgs: solution to Booth test:\n" << x_2 << arma::endl;

    return 0;

Eigen Code (Click to show/hide)

#include "optim.hpp"

booth_fn(const Eigen::VectorXd& vals_inp, Eigen::VectorXd* grad_out, void* opt_data)
    double x_1 = vals_inp(0);
    double x_2 = vals_inp(1);

    double obj_val = std::pow(x_1 + 2*x_2 - 7.0,2) + std::pow(2*x_1 + x_2 - 5.0,2);

    if (grad_out) {
        (*grad_out)(0) = 2*(x_1 + 2*x_2 - 7.0) + 2*(2*x_1 + x_2 - 5.0)*2;
        (*grad_out)(1) = 2*(x_1 + 2*x_2 - 7.0)*2 + 2*(2*x_1 + x_2 - 5.0);

    return obj_val;

int main()
    Eigen::VectorXd x = Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(test_dim); // initial values (0,0)

    bool success_2 = optim::lbfgs(x, booth_fn, nullptr);

    if (success_2) {
        std::cout << "bfgs: Booth test completed successfully." << "\n";
    } else {
        std::cout << "bfgs: Booth test completed unsuccessfully." << "\n";

    std::cout << "bfgs: solution to Booth test:\n" << x_2 << std::endl;

    return 0;